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Fits Honda models GX340, GX390, GX620, GX670, GXV340, GXV390.
Fits Honda models GX340, GX390. Models with Digital Ignition Coil, with 4 pin plug.
Fits Honda models GX340, GX390, GX610, GX620, GXV340, GXV610, GXV620, and Generators EB5000, EB6500, EG5000, EM5000, EN5000, EZ5000
Fits Honda models GX340, GX390, GX620, GX670, GXV340, GXV390.
Fits Honda models GX340, GX390, GXV340, GXV390, GXV530, GCV530, EU70is, EU7000is.
Fits Honda models GX340, GX390. Used with Recoil Starter Part No. 55-27687.
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